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Wednesday, 31 July 2013

DMX Owes $1.24 Million In Child Support, Files Bankruptcy

 Zammnnnn! Just when you thought you had problems…

DMX may definitely be having one of the worst weeks ever.  Last Friday, he was arrested in South Carolina for suspicion of driving under the influence and failing to have a valid driver’s license, and yesterday, he had to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy so that he could get on top of his finances again.

What’s mindblowing, is that DMX has been in the rap game for over 20 years, but claims he has less than $50,000 in assets and has raked in $1 million to $10 million in debt. He is also $1.24 million behind in child support payments for his 10 children. He has four kids with his estranged wife Tashera who he was with for 11 years, but throughout their marriage he admitted to sleeping around and having babies with other women. [a vasectomy may apply here...]

Meanwhile, DMX’s rep Domenick Nati has released a statement via the Wall Street Journal’s Bankruptcy Beat saying that his financial problems have just been building up over the years, blaming poor money management and his previous handlers for his huge debt.
“DMX’s financial strains have been inhibiting his career for several years. Poor financial management by prior representation have caused him to be ineligible to retain a passport. The purpose of this bankruptcy filing is for reorganization so he can perform for his fans oversees [sic]. We are currently planning a tour in Europe and Africa for the fall of 2013.”
If you owe more than $2,500 in back child support you can’t get a passport, so because of that DMX’s camp is saying that he won’t be able to tour and make money.

Today’s rappers may want to take note. Bad money management and business decisions may have you worse off then when you started a few years from now. Unfortunate (especially, for those 10 kids!).
Iyanla, fix my bank account.



Re: Achebe There Was A Country - An Independent Review by a Kenyan

 This review is from: There Was A Country: A Personal History of Biafra (Kindle Edition)

Chinua Achebe is a great writer, with well thought out and concise work that is well presented and easy to read. However while his writing talent is unquestioned, I really feel his views in this book are biased and will result in the increase of tribalism, hence corruption and suffering of his beloved Igbo ethnic group as well as all Nigerians. Therefore he fails in his attempt to create unity and reduce tribalism and corruption which he so loathes.

In the Chapter "The Role of the Writer in Africa", he says that a writer should align himself with the weak and powerless against the strong. This is an agreeable point. However, he tries to cast his Igbo people as the victims in Nigeria while ignoring the sufferings of other ethnic groups brought upon by the Igbos. This is not a recipe for national reconciliation.

In the Chapter "Cradle of Nigerian Nationalism", he tries to cast the Yoruba Leader, Chief Awolowo as a tribal leader who reunited his ancient Yoruba people "with a powerful glue of resuscitated ethnic pride, hence creating the "Action Group" political party that reduced the dominance of the Igbo dominated NCDC. The irony here is that Achebe sees no problem with the NCDC being Igbo dominated while he complains about the Action Group being Yoruba dominated. This double standards is not a recipe for national reconciliation.

In the same chapter, while calling Awolowo's Action group a tribal party, he says, without any misgivings, that it also galvanized support from not only the Yoruba, but also the Riverline and minority groups in the Niger delta who "dreaded the prospects of Igbo political domination". This proves two points. That the Action Party was not an exclusive Yoruba tribal party like the NCDC was becoming. Second, that the Riverline and Minority eastern Tribes "dreaded" the prospect of Igbo domination. So the Igbo's are starting to look, not like the poor victims, but a ruthless tribe that will dominate others with impunity. Again, Mr Achebe's biased, pro-igbo views will not improve unity in Nigeria.

In the chapter "The Decline", Mr Achebe says that the original idea of a "One Nigeria" at independence was pressed by Eastern (read Igbo) leaders and intellectuals, especially Nnamdi Azikiwe. This is true because the Igbo were dominating every sector in Nigeria and they saw that a unified Nigeria would benefit them. They did not care about what other tribes felt.

Initially, the the Northerners led by the Sardauna, Ahmadu Bello, resisted the idea of a "One Nigeria". Achebe tries to cast the Northerners as short sighted and not working to remove the British colonist, but their objections were based on a legitimate and true fear of dominance by the Igbo. Why would the northerners want to remove one oppressor, the British (who were actually competent and knew how to run a non-corrupt government), and bring in another oppressor, the Igbo ( who were corrupt and tribalistic)?. So Mr Achebe, your Igbo leaders should have been less greedy and less short sighted and tried to understand why the Northerners resisted a One Nigeria idea. Maybe the whole Nigerian people would be in a better position today.

Don't take my word for it. Just listen to the Sardauna in his own words here ( [...] ) explaining the legitimate fear the northerners have about the Igbo. I think the Igbo, instead of arrogantly dismissing such feelings, should have taken them into consideration and tried to live in harmony with other tribes instead of trying to dominate them.

In the chapter named "January 15, 1966 Coup", Mr Achebe shows his extremely biased attitude in favor of his Igbo tribe. This is the classic definition of a tribalist. He tries to minimize the January 15, 1966, coup as one led by "junior officers" protesting corruption, but he fails to accurately portray the tribal nature of that coup. The Sardauna , Sir Ahmadu Bello and Samuel Akintola, the greatest leaders of the North and West respectively were killed, along with numerous others from same regions, but there was no Igbo killed. Achebe says the coup was led by "junior officers most of them igbo" led by Major Chukwuma Nzeogwu from northern city of Kaduna. This is misleading. Major Nzeogwu was not a northerner. He was an Igbo born in Kaduna. Same applies to Emeka Ojukwu, Biafra's secessionist leader, an Igbo born in the North. So if he calls Nzeogwu a northerner, he should also call Ojukwu a northerner. This coup was a totally tribal affair and trying to say otherwise will not help improve the tribalism issues in Nigeria.

In the chapter "The Dark Days", Mr Achebe, having minimized the coup as "non-tribal and one led by Junior officers protesting corruption and decay", starts railing against other tribes when they took revenge, rightfully so, against the Igbos who had killed their most senior leaders. He says that in a country where tribalism is endemic, the "rumor of an Igbo Coup" began to gain acceptance. I find it unbelievable that Mr Achebe would take such a position. This January 1966 coup, WAS AN IGBO COUP, there is no doubt about it, and denying that will not further Achebe's goal of reducing tribalism in Nigeria.

In the same chapter, he says that other tribes started attacking Easterners, taking out their resentment against the Igbos who "had led the nation in every sector - politics, education, commerce and arts and had driven out the colonizing British from Nigeria". This comment brings two points to light. He tries to portray "Easterners" as one victimized group but this is not truth. As he said before, many minority Easterners "dreaded the prospect of Igbo domination", hence their joining of the Yoruba "Action Party" group.

Second point is that he tries to portray other tribes as being driven by envy at Igbo's success. Mr Achebe, remember the Igbos triggered this by launching a coup and killing people from other tribes. Second, a nation will never be united if one group dominates all the rest. This is the biggest mistake we have in Africa. One tribe tries to dominate and shut out others, the others fight back and we all end up losing, just as we see in Nigeria, and so many African nations. So Mr Achebe, please try to be far sighted and use your talent to guide your Nigerian people (all tribes) to be more unified and not celebrate the Igbos for dominating the rest, and congratulating them for being superior, or for being the "Jews of Africa" as has been said before.

Mr Achebe then describes his experience leaving Lagos. For those who don't know, Lagos is in western Nigeria, in Yoruba land and many Igbos had settled there as well as many other parts of the country. However we don't hear of other tribes settling in Igboland. This skewed migration tendencies were bound to bring problems. It is a fact that migratory tribes in Africa never assimilate with their host tribes, unlike the United States where different people integrate, learning English and adopting a common mainstream culture.

So you when people from a different tribe come to your area, they are basically "not your neighbours" but an alien people just occupying your land. When Mr Achebe says he found it "a strange and powerful experience" when his non-igbo "neighbours" whom he lived with for decades started jeering him and saying that "food will be cheaper in Lagos" when Igbos leave, he is not being genuine. I can bet that he never socialized with the locals, learned their language, or tried to integrate with their culture. Even after living in Lagos for decades, he maintained his Igbo culture and language and probably had mostly Igbo friends. Not surprising, even his "intellectual non-igbo friends" said that he should have known what was coming to him as an Igbo.

This point about Tribalism is illustrated again when Mr Achebe, fleeing to the east, arrived in Benin City in the Mid-west and he says there was a "distinct atmospheric change". There he found Igbo policemen who welcomed him as a brother, cheering him, saying "Oga, thank you". They cheered him just because he was a prominent Igbo man, even if he spent most of his life in Lagos or other regions. I bet non-igbos living in the East would never receive such treatment. So Mr Achebe should realize that tribalism goes both ways. Everyone, even the Igbos are tribalistic. So we should accept that fact and then we can start discussing how we can live together with justice for everyone.

In the Chapter "A History of Ethnic Tension and Resentment", Mr Achebe clearly illustrates that there is something about the Igbo that makes other Nigerian tribes resent them so much. He points out that in his book, "The Trouble with Nigeria", that Nigerians will "achieve consensus in no other matter than their common resentment of the Igbo". He says that while the Yoruba had a huge historical and geographical head start, the Igbo, "in one fantastic burst of energy in the 20 years between 1930 and 1950" managed to wipe out that advantage. He also illustrates from the book by J.P Clark an image of "ants filing out of the wood", how the Igbo moved out of their forest home and scattered and virtually seized the floor.

This scenario, as I said before, is a recipe for disaster in Nigeria and other African countries. When one tribe starts to invade other peoples territories and due to cultural, language and other factors, start to dominate everything there, that will definitely create resentment and conflict. The Igbo's congratulate themselves for being "superior" and "competent", and for being able to dominate other tribes in a fair competition, but they should also know they are not very smart because other tribes will resents them and drive them out, just as it happened, and they will end up losing.

If Mr. Achebe is smart and loves Nigeria, he should not be celebrating Igbo "superiority" over other tribes. He should use his talents trying to think how different tribes can work together to ensure everyone gets a fair shake so that the whole nation can utilize its talents for the good of everybody.

To his credit however, he concedes that the Igbos are prone to "hubris and overweening pride, thoughtlessness, exhibitionism and disregard for humility and quietness" which can offend others.

However, he fails again because he continues to argue that in Nigeria's context, they "get the achievers (meaning Igbos) out and replace them with less qualified individuals from the desired ethnic background to gain access to resources of the state". I have heard this argument in Kenya where I come from, but it does not hold water.

First, achieving "access to resources of the state for all tribes" is the only good and fair thing to do. There is no reason why Igbo's should to take over all jobs just because they "are more qualified" because competence is not exclusive to only one tribe. I live in the US and can tell you that you will find smart people from all backgrounds, all tribes and all races.

Mr Achebe displays his scewed and totally wrong position by saying he was "dismayed" by a 1966 publication called "The Nigerian Situation: Facts and Background", which demonstrated the complete unfairness existing in Nigeria where 45% of managers were Igbo, over 50% of the posts in Nigerian Railways, over 70% of posts in Nigeria Ports Authority and foreign service were occupied by Igbos. Remember the Igbos account for only 18% of Nigeria's total Nigerian population.

I don't know why Mr Achebe would not find such discrepancies disturbing and why he would be "dismayed" when someone reveals them. The only reason I can think of is because his Igbo people were on the benefiting end of this. This again, Mr Achebe, is not the attitude you should adopt if you want a Nigeria for everyone.

In the Chapter "The Army", Mr Achebe again tries to minimize the "Igbo Coup" led by Major Nzeogwu saying that it was actually not an "Igbo coup". He tries to deny that Major Nzeogwu was an Igbo, saying that he was born in Kaduna (north) and spoke fluent Hausa and wore northern traditional dress. That did not stop him from massacring Northern and Western leaders like Sir Ahmadu Bello. Achebe also claims that the coup was stopped by General Aguiyi-Ironsi, an Igbo. However, he continues to note that General Ironsi refused to court martial the coup plotters and transfered them East where they were eventually released by Ojukwu. So Ironsi is not as non-tribal and fair as Mr Achebe tries to portray him.

After trying to minimize the "Igbo Coup", Mr Achebe goes all the way to condemn the resulting "counter coup" by northern officers to revenge the "Igbo Coup". He says the killing of General Ironsi and Fajuyi were part of a larger and bloody coup led by the northern General Murtala Mohamed. This kind of double standard is not lost on anyone. Once again, Mr Achebe fails by trying to unfairly promote his tribe and minimize their failings while maximizing their opponents failings. This will not result in a unified Nigeria.

In the Chapter "The Pogroms", Mr Achebe again goes overboard trying to minimize the "Igbo Coup" by saying that it was an "Idealistic Coup" that proved to be a disaster for the Igbo. I find it just unbelievable that a man of Mr Achebe's intelligence would not realize that his biased views will make other tribes think of him as just another unrepentant Igbo tribalist. Here again, he fails in his stated goal of unifying Nigeria for all its people.

In the Chapter "Aburi Accord", Mr Achebe claims that majority of the Easterners had grown contemptuous of General Gowon's federal government for its failure to bring the culprits of the mass murder in the North to Justice. While this may be true, he also fails to say that his beloved Igbo General Ironsi failed to bring the "Igbo Coup" plotters to justice when he had the chance. He even transferred them to the East where they were released. This kind of double standard, again is not going to promote unity in Nigeria.

In the chapter "The Nightmare Begins", after General Ojukwu seceded Biafra from Nigeria, General Gowon responded by declaring a state of emergency and dividing the nation into 12 states based on tribe. The federal government position was that this would foster unity and stability in Nigeria. This is actually a valid point. If different tribes have control of their areas and free from domination by other tribes, this can create stability, unity, justice and eventually success. However, the Igbos, arrogantly thinking that it was their birthright to dominate other tribes, saw this as "a Machiavellian Scheme to landlock Igbos into the East Central State and isolate them from oil producing areas", areas which in truth, don't belong to them.

Mr Achebe seems sympathetic to this Igbo view although he inadvertently validates the Federal government's point by saying that the Non-Igbo minority easterners "dreaded for years - the prospect of Igbo domination". So again, Mr Achebe fails by aligning himself with the Igbo desire to dominate others, which eventually led to the destruction of Nigeria, Igbos included.

In the Chapter "The Republic of Biafra", Mr Achebe shows his support for the secessionist nation of Birafra by defining the intellectual foundation of the new nation as one "which the supreme power lay with the citizens and respected the freedoms of all mankind". However he fails to mention the plight of more that 5 million minority Easterners in Biafra who "dreaded the prospect of Igbo domination for years".

He also mentions his admiration for president Nyerere of Tanzania who supported the new State of Biafra by standing for equality, self determination and respect for human values. The Biafra leaders would have been well served if they followed Nyerere's example. Nyerere succeeded in creating the only non-tribal country in Africa where there is no tribalism, unlike Biafra, which was founded as a result of extreme tribalism.

In the Chapter "Death of the Poet , Daddy don't let him die", Mr Achebe reveals a great irony. While he earlier described the "Igbo Coup" leader Major Nzeogwu as an "idealistic junior officer" whose thoughtless actions brought disaster to the Igbos, and while he earlier said that Major Nzeogwu was "an Igbo only by name", he now says that Nzeogwu's death in the war was a big blow to Biafra because he was a "darling and enigmatic hero who had risen from anonymity to legendary heights in a short period".

This reveals two things. That Mr Achebe was not too upset about the "Igbo Coup" itself, and the resulting massacre of people from other tribes, but was upset it eventually turned out badly for the Igbo, when other tribes took revenge. He also reveals that Major Nzeogwu, whom he earlier tried to dissociate with the Igbo on account of his being born in Kaduna (north), was actually regarded as a hero by his Igbo tribesmen. Again, Mr. Achebe reveals he is a tribalist and fails in his stated goal of uniting all Nigerians.

Mr Achebe tries to cast blame to everybody else other than the Igbo themselves. In the Chapter "The Silence of the United Nations", he bemoans how in October 1969, on the losing side, General Ojukwu desperately pleaded with the United Nations for mediation to no avail. His Opponent, General Gowon insisted on Biafra's surrender and rightly noted that "the rebel leaders had made it clear that it was a fight to the finish and no concessions will ever satisfy them". The Biafra Igbo rebels, in their "hubris, overweening pride, confidence and thoughtlessness" provoked a war and were not able to finish it. So they blame everybody else except themselves. Again, Mr Achebe fails. He is not interested in justice and truth, but in the welfare of only his Igbo people and not all Nigerians.

Nothing demonstrates the folly of tribalism better than the case of Nnamdi Azikiwe, Nigeria's first president, an Igbo. At independence, he campaigned against the British colonialists under a "One Nigeria" mantra, when it was beneficial for the Igbos because they were dominating other Nigerian tribes and taking over all resources. When things turned awry for the Igbos and they seceded, he suddenly forgot his earlier principles of "One Nigeria" and supported the new Igbo secessionist state of Biafra. However, he could not defend a challenge to his new position and had to turn back like a coward.

So in the Chapter "Azikiwe Withdraws Support for Biafra" Mr Achebe tries to blame British intellectuals in northern universities and the Nigerian Army for challenging Azikiwe to explain why he suddenly changed his lifelong beliefs of a "One Nigeria" and now supported the breaking of Nigeria. Azikiwe was unable to explain that and decided to withdraw his support for his tribesmen's new state. Again, Mr Achebe fails. He is not interested in fairness and principles to benefit all Nigerians, but will support whatever benefits the Igbo at that particular time.

The chapter named "1970 and the Fall" reveals the hypocrisy of Mr Achebe. He says that in the end, Biafra collapsed and there were thousands of children dying every day of starvation. He goes on to say that the "Notoriously incompetent Nigerian Government was not responding to those needs, and that with ill-advised Bravado, General Gowon was busy banning relief agencies that helped Biafra". I find this level of hypocrisy amazing. Where is Ojukwu in all this mess. He started the war, he was responsible for the death and starvation of millions of Biafrans. Remember Biafrans were fighting General Gowon and inflicted heavy casualties on his soldiers. So, to blame Gowon and completely forget the other responsible person, Ojukwu, is just unbelievable.

Some other points I wish to note are in the chapter named "Gowon Responds". He was asked about Igbo property being taken over by the Government of New Rivers State. Something was said to the effect that the people of that state "felt like tenants in their own state" because the Igbos owned everything there. Again I want to reiterate that there will be no united Nigeria (or other African countries) when some tribes start dominating others with impunity, and in their own territory no less.

In the Chapter "Nigeria's Painful Transitions: A Reappraisal" , Mr Achebe talks about the crime happening in his beloved, Igbo state of Anambra. He says it was encouraged by the federal government and by an unnamed former president of Nigeria, "whose attitude to this part of Nigeria, which he and some like him consider responsible for the troubles of Nigeria's Civil war".

Mr Achebe, I have news for you. This part of Nigeria IS RESPONSIBLE for the Nigerian Civil war. That is the truth and trying to deny it is folly. Again, you fail because this denial will not endear you to Nigerians of other tribes, hence will not help to create a unified Nigeria.

In one of your last chapters "State Resuscitation and Recovery" you ask how Nigeria can be salvaged and "bring all the human and material resources to bear on its development", how to end "organized ethnic bigotry" and "corruption". I am encouraged that you are thinking in this direction.

I am no expert in nation development and reconciliation, but I can tell you that TRIBALISM, like the one exhibited by the Igbo, is one of the main causes of our backwardness in Africa.

We have to deal with tribalism, ensure that no ethnic group moves to other ethnic group areas and try to dominate their resources. I believe the formation of states based on tribal lines will help. Or at least grouping together tribes that are in friendly terms and can live together in harmony. Then every tribe will control the resources in their state and ensure justice and welfare for their people and remove the danger of domination by other supposedly "more competent" tribes.

In conclusion, Mr Achebe is a great author, with superior talent. But he is also biased and is a tribalist. Here he fails like a majority of our other brilliant, (or not-so-brilliant) Africans leaders and intellectuals.

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Nicki Minaj Brushes Off DJ Khaled’s Proposal, Shares Thoughts On Whether There Is A Rift Between Drake & Young Money

DJ Khaled’s marriage proposal to Nicki Minaj was only a joke. Um…well duh!!!

Nicki told us exactly what we suspected on Monday while chatting with DJ Funkmaster Flex.

Last night,  after DJ Khaled premiered his new song ‘ ’I Wanna Be With You’ featuring Nicki Minaj, Future and Rick Ross, Nicki called in to Hot 97 to talk about the new record, while admitting that DJ Khaled’s recent proposal was an extension of the song. During the call, the Head Barb also revealed why she has been going hard in the paint recently on everybody’s record, and when asked if there is something going on between Drake and Young Money, she showed mad love to Drake while tip-toeing around the subject.

Catch a few highlights from the interview and audio below:
On whether she’s spoke to DJ Khaled since he proposed to her
No, I was shocked just like the rest of the world and I was cracking up laughing with the rest of the world because Khaled is a master at what he does and you know he is a DJ, Hypeman, entrepreneur, all of those [things] wrapped in one. He was just like ‘Yo! that’s how I was feeling! It’s just an extension of the song yo!’ Everyone was just like ‘Whatever, Khaled.’
On how her camp and rumored fiance SB reacted to the proposal
Nobody took it seriously. They sent me [text messages] like ‘LOL! Khaled is crazy’ and i just hit back with ‘lol’. Let me set the record straight, Khaled is my brother and Khaled was not serious with that damn proposal y’all. Please let it go. He was kidding.[…] It was just another way for him to give a glimpse of the feeling on this [new] record. He is not attracted to me. He doesn’t like me. We’re brothers and sisters. He is like a cuddly bear.
On why she’s collaborating with so many people
I think that when you start off in life, not having much and you see that the power of your mind can take you anywhere in this world, I feel like that’s like asking Oprah why she created OWN. I don’t have a percentage of what she’s got and she is still working. I love independent women. I love ambitious people. I hate lazy ass people and if I go a couple of days without getting something done, I feel like I’m on some bum sh-t, and I can’t live like that! I don’t want anyone around me living like that. At the end of the day, I love what I do. I’m having fun, I like doing this. Shout out to all the artist that have given me an opportunity to work with them. Whenever somebody asks me to get on their track, it’s an honor and I take it very seriously.
On Drake and whether things have changed with him and Young Money Cash Money
I just feel like people’s perceptions of their reality, is their perception of their reality. So, sometimes people make moves based on their perception of what reality is, and I know that sounds like a riddle but maybe one day you will be able to unravel that one. All I can say is, Lil Wayne is everything to me. I can’t speak for anyone else but what Young Money Cash Money did for Nicki Minaj, I could never repay them for. So I am forever indebted to them. Whatever happens with any other artist, I don’t know.
Sometimes when you are really intelligent and really talented, you also think a lot and sometimes your mind is racing with thoughts. It is what it is, people go through their own motions, and you got to respect it and keep it moving. I think like we all love the team. We all love Wayne and that’s what is all going to keep us together. Drake is my baby. That’s how it was when we came in. Whatever is going on now – obviously we’re all very busy and you know sh-t happens. It gets a little hard to have a real connection when people are on different sides of the world and working on different things. You just never know who people got in their ear or what their feelings [may be] or maybe they felt wronged in some way. I don’t know. I just know that Drake is my baby [and] Wayne is my everything.
On whether Drake was taking jabs at Young Money or Lil Wayne on his newest records (i.e. On “Versace, Versace Versace” Drake raps “N-ggas be wantin’ a verse for a verse, but man that’s not a swap to me” and later in the song “‘F-ck all your feelins cause business is business, its strictly financial”)
I’ve never taken that personal. When you are in a place where Drake is, which is everybody is asking him for a hook or a feature, it is what it is. He’s speaking the truth. Whether he’s taking that as a compliment or not, I don’t know. He’s speaking the truth and I think he’s speaking about every damn body. I’m not exempt from that and neither is anyone else. If you’ve been asking him for a verse or a song or done a verse or a song with him, then maybe you are included. I don’t know, but he’s not lying.

 Catch the interview below:
If you are curious to how the new Khaled song sounds, listen below:

Keyshia Cole’s Hubby Boobie Gibson Arrested For Assault In New Orleans

Drama! Drama! Drama!

Earlier this month, Keyshia Cole and her hubby Daniel ‘Boobie’ Gibson were all smiles at the Essence Music Festival, but not too long afterward, a scuffle went down that somehow flew under the radar.
On Monday, Boobie turned himself in to New Orleans authorities on charges of assault and battery from an unidentified accuser. Details of what exactly happened are sketchy but Daniel did call in to TMZ and revealed that a man approached Keyshia at the Essence Music Fest and yelled some inappropriate comments towards her, so he took matters into his own hands. He also released the statement:
“Earlier this month during the Essence Music Festival, I was involved in an incident with other individuals while I was out with my wife.[...]It’s unfortunate that some see opportunity in taking advantage of people who work hard for what they have achieved.
On Sunday, Boobie also posted a photo of him sweating hard in the paint with a caption that read, “The Lord said No Weapon Formed.. So I’m not alarmed. #Luv,” and earlier in the week, he posted a photo of some flowers with the caption:
Brought my wife Flowers for Breakfast & a old head said “What did you do” truth be told I ain’t hold my baby down in a situation with Family like I should’ve (so dude was right).. but it shouldn’t always take trouble to do something special for the one you Love. Gotta treat every day like it’s the 1st time you met. Give her that feeling every day. #Luv


He seems to be a cool guy who wants to do right, Hopefully, everything works out for him.


Lady Gaga Unveils Artwork For New Single From 'ARTPOP'

Lady Gaga is working hard to drum up excitement for her new material after months out of the spotlight. The singer's latest move finds her unveiling the artwork for her new single, which will serve as the first release from the upcoming album "ARTPOP."

Gaga tweeted the image, which features her sitting nude on a very technological chair:

The singer will release the song Aug. 19, followed by a live debut on Aug. 25 during an MTV Video Music Awards performance. In the meantime, much speculation is being tossed about in regard to what Gaga's comeback will have in store. Tara Savelo, the "Born This Way" star's makeup artist, recently took to her Little Monsters site to post a photo entitled "Applause," sparking questions as to whether that will be the title of the song. 

Via Huffington

Friday, 26 July 2013

Jay Z Surprises Beyonce With A Kiss In Philly

Jay Z definitely knows how to keep the spark going in his marriage.

Last night, during a break in his “Legends Of The Summer Tour” with Justin Timberlake, he appeared at Beyonce’s show in Philly. Bey was just wrapping up “Halo” when Jay Z ran out on stage and hugged and kissed her in front of almost 20,000 fans.

Now, it’s no wonder Bey didn’t turn around and start windmilling with all the craziness that has been happening to her on tour.  Her fans reactions warned her in advance that someone was running up behind her, but by the time she went to turn around, he had already grabbed her.

 Jay’s slow run was definitely gone with the wind fabulous! Aww!

Watch it below, plus catch what Jay had to say about keeping his marriage together:

During an interview with Elliott Wilson earlier this week, Jay revealed his desire to keep his marriage together, instead of following in his father’s footsteps:
When your baby first come, it’s only joy. It’s fascinating that two people can create a life. It’s only glory, it’s all joy. Then after that kicks in, you sit with yourself and say, “Am I going to be a good dad? I know I have the DNA of my dad, I know it’s not just with me and my dad, it’s an on-going problem in our entire community, how do I get around it?‘ Then all of those fears, anxieties and insecurities kick in, if you really want to do it the right day. So those first days were all joy, and now I have to do the work and make sure that I don’t repeat that same cycle, because I do have my father’s DNA. I’m sure he didn’t set out to leave, he married my mom. He tried, but life got in the way. He didn’t see 9 years out, of what would happen in his life. I’m sure he went into it with the best intentions, like we all do, but it didn’t work out.
And he also spoke on why he talks about his relationship in music, especially his newest collab “On The Run” with Beyonce:
There are very few relationships in Hip Hop music. It’s a lot of ‘I took your girl, and I’m gonna take it again,‘ and ‘I’m with your girl and never gave it out’ I don’t know if people are properly absorbing what I’m doing here. I don’t know in the context, just being honest about [marriage] and just putting those subject matters in Hip Hop records, that’s not normal.
I know I’m living my life right, I just live my life right and go about it the right way and then everything else will sort itself out. As long as I’m on the side of right, I’m cool. If I go wrong a little bit, my karma is immediate.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

My Presence Is Charity’: Jay Z Talks Criticism From Harry Belafonte, The George Zimmerman Verdict & Drake Being His Biggest Competitor

It’s time for some pure, unfiltered Jay Z.

Over the past few years, if Jay Z had something to say, he would put it on wax, but this time around he’s unleashing his uncensored thoughts in a series of media interviews, including his latest sit-down with The Truth’s Elliott Wilson.

During the interview, held at Yankees Stadium, Jay discussed various topics, including being criticized by social activist Harry Belafonte, who says that he and Beyonce have turned their back on social responsibility and giving back. He also dished his feelings on the George Zimmerman verdict, and pegged Drake as his biggest competitor.

Catch the highlights below:
Jay Z on if he was offended by Harry Belafonte
I’m offended by that because first of all, this is going to sound arrogant, but my presence is charity. Just who I am, [is charity], just like Obama is. Obama provides hope. Whether he does anything, that hope that he provides for a nation and outside of America is enough. Just being who he is. You’re the first black president. If he speaks on any issue or anything, he should be left alone. [...] Of course we want to challenge [Obama] to do better, but I felt like Belafonte just went about it wrong. The way he did it, within the media, and then he bigged up Bruce Springsteen. It was like, ‘Whoa, you just sent the wrong message all around. You just bigged up the white guy against me in the white media.’ I’m not saying that in a racial way. I’m saying what it was just the wrong way to go about it. [...] My presence is charity! Just this guy who came from Marcy projects apartment 530C, to these places of me playing in Yankee stadium tonight.
On the George Zimmerman verdict
I was really angry, I didn’t sleep for two days. I was really angry about it. We all knew there was still a bit of racism in America but for it to be so blatant… Ask yourself the question, ‘Didn’t Travyon have a right to stand his ground?’ He was being chased, he fought back. He may have won. That doesn’t mean he’s a criminal. He won. If you chase me and you try to attack me and I defend myself, how can I be in the wrong? How is that right? This guy went to get some skittles and go back to watch the All-Star game. He had plans. He had no intentions of robbing anyone’s home. [...] It’s a thing where it’s like a reminder of, ‘We still got a long way to go.’ It’s beautiful because this generation right now, they don’t see color in that way. [...] They’re funding George Zimmerman because they want to hold on to their guns. [...] We all know it was wrong.
On the new crop of rappers
I’m doing all of this stuff for the next generation to come in and take advantage of it. So, whatever took me 15 years to accomplish, it takes them 5 years to accomplish. It encourages me when I see this young crop of next new legends. I’m ecstatic. I’m willing to help, I’m like, ‘What do you need?’ I’m offering help in anyway. I’m constantly opening doors for that next generation to come in. I feel good about it. I’m happy because there was a point when I was like, ‘What’s gonna happen next?’ A couple years ago, there wasn’t no Kendricks, Coles and Drakes. It was like wait a minute, ‘Where is this about to go?’ After we finish our tour of duty, who is going to pick up the manual and take it further.
On Drake being his biggest competitor
Drake, we have a great relationship. I know he feels like, ‘I’m the next one, I’m right here,’ we hear the lines, ‘feelin’ like the throne is for the takin, watch me take it..’ you know he’s feeling it. It’s cool, it wasn’t meant with malice or disrespect, it’s just like ‘I’m comin, acknowledge my existence.’ There is a respect thing but there is also a competitive thing and its been done the right way. He’s definitely the one that’s reared his head as the guy. He’s definitely Kobe Bryant.
On comparing himself to great artists and poets
There is no different. Shakespeare was a man who wrote poetry. I’m a man who writes poetry. Why not compare yourself to the best? I’m supposed to be here to be second best? I’m not doing this for that. If other people are cool with settling or not putting themselves in that light, that’s their personal preference. If you don’t want to be in that light, that’s fine. I’m not mad at you! I don’t have an opinion on what you want to do, if you want to be second, that’s cool, so don’t have an opinion on me wanting to be Jean Michel [Basquiat] or Shakespeare.
People don’t realize, I put a lot of my life into what I am doing right now. I didn’t just have a hit record and get lucky, I put a lot of my life into it so the things that come out of it, is not due to this bravado and arrogance, I have confidence because of the work I put in. I put in so much work! I’m claiming four classics.
If you have time, watch the hour-long interview below:

Dwyane Wade Gives A Few Responses To His Ex-Wife’s Accusations, Agrees To Pay Her $5 Million

The battle between D. Wade and his ex-wife just keeps getting uglier.
Days after Siohvaughn Funches was spotted in downtown Chicago with signs that said she was on the streets and claiming Dwyane is making it very hard for her to get some mommy time with the couple’s kids, Dwyane Wade shot back in a series of Instagram posts.  One read:
“#REALLY #whatyoutalkingaboutwillis #aintnobodygottimeforthat
and another:
I had my headphones on..Did y’all hear something????..#stopit #dontbefooled #storiessellpapers #movingon
He also released an official statement from his lawyer earlier today, claiming Siohvaughn is nowhere near homeless since he provides her with $25,000 monthly which covers her mortgage, maintenance, 4 cars, insurance, taxes and attorney fees.
Dwyane Wade and his ex-wife Siohvaughn Funches have reached a financial settlement. The agreement was submitted in court last Tuesday, July 16 prior to Ms. Funches’ recent unfounded and erratic public display outside the courthouse this past Friday. Dwyane Wade has made several requests over the years to settle this matter, despite Ms. Funches having 16 different attorneys and 2 arrests throughout this process. Mr. Wade has provided a very generous settlement to Ms. Funches to continue to live a wonderful lifestyle for the rest of her life.
Despite false allegations by Ms. Funches claiming to be “homeless” and “destitute,” Dwyane Wade has maintained over the years financial support to his ex-wife by providing her with income over $25,000 on a monthly basis, timely paid for her home mortgage, maintenance and security at the house, 4 cars, insurance, taxes and all of her attorney fees throughout this process. Ms. Funches has made a mockery of homelessness which is a serious and personal issue for Mr. Wade as his mother was homeless for a period of time when he was a child.
Dwyane Wade was awarded sole custody of their sons by the court in 2011. The safety and wellbeing of his children are his main priority. Due to Ms. Funches’ current unstable mental state, her visitation will be determined by the court. Mr. Wade continues to hope that one day he will have a civil relationship with his ex-wife for the sake of their sons.”
According to the Chicago Sun Times, on Monday a judge decided to award Siohvaughn $5 million in the divorce settlement, as well as a Chicago mansion and four cars. Dwyane and Siohvaughn are also to refrain from making any further disparaging remarks about each other in public, as well as each other’s family members and significant others (Gabrielle Union included.) Although it seems like somewhat of a win for Siohvaughn, outside the courtroom, she expressed her displeasure by saying, “My voice isn’t for sale, my story isn’t for sale, no thank you.”
From the outside looking in, it looks as though these two may need some type of parental counseling together so that they can come to a peaceful agreement for the sake of their kids. If this keeps up, their sons will either grow up despising their mother or they will one day resent their father.

Chris Brown Covers Blank Magazine

Well, helloooo Chris!!

This new cover is beyond sexy.  Stylist Ugo Mozie is giving us a bad boy wrapped in a GQ package, for the latest issue of BLANK Magazine.  The new cover, shot by photographer duo Gomillion and Leupold, features Chris Brown in a Dolce & Gabana tuxedo, a Rolex watch and just a hint of his tattoos.

Catch a few more pics from the shoot below:

See Behind The Scene Below..

We Were Blackmailed to Vote on Child Marriage- Mark

SENATE President, David Mark, on Wednesday, broke his silence on the dust raised over the retention of the controversial Section 29(4)(b) of the 1999 Constitution, as he said some of his colleagues were blackmailed to vote against its deletion as recommended by the Senate committee on the review of the constitution.

He made this known when he played host to some women organisations and civil societies that visited the Senate leadership to press home the need for the lawmakers to revisit the voting exercise, with a view to deleting the section.

The women organisations were led by the Minister of Women Affairs, Hajia Zainab Maina; former Minister of Education, Dr Oby Ezekwezelie; a former Minister of Women Affairs, Mrs Josephine Anenih; the wife of former Chief Justice of Nigeria, Mrs Maryam Uwais and the chairperson of the Gender and Constitution Reform Network (GECORN), Mrs Saadatu Mahdi.

It will be recalled that 35 senators, led by Sani Ahmed Yerima, had, last week, voted against the recommendation by the Senate committee on review of the constitution that the sub-section, which stated that a woman that is married shall be deemed to be of full age, be deleted, as it was discriminatory against women in respect of renunciation of the Nigerian citizenship.

Senator Mark said Nigerians should understand that the Senate was on the side of the people, as he said this was demonstrated in the fact that 85 senators, out of the 101 present at the exercise, initially voted for the deletion of the controversial section.

He said some senators, however, got things mixed up as they introduced religious connotations and thus making the deletion of the section a sensitive issue, adding that it was subjected to voting for the second time to avoid religious crisis.

“Why we voted publicly was that everybody will know the stand of every senator on every issue. I think the problem is not whether we can delete this Section 29(4)(b) or not. That is not the issue; it is whether we can get the number to be able to delete it.

“With all due respect, the entire Senate is being castigated because there was and there is still a complete misunderstanding of what the Senate had tried to do. We are on the side of the people, that was why we put it that we should delete it (because) that was what the people wanted.

“We, in fact, are the first people that put the step in the right direction of deleting it. It didn’t go through because of other tangential issues that were brought in on the floor of the Senate, totally inconsequential issues, unconnected issues that were brought in.

“We wanted to remove it but it failed. On that day, we were a total of 101. Eighty five voted and I think about six or so abstained. There was hardly any dissenting votes, but once it got mixed up with so many other issues, it didn’t get the required 73 votes anymore.  So, first of all, I think the castigation outside is done out of misunderstanding.

“But because a religious connotation was brought into it, which is a very sensitive issue and you must agree with me that in this country, we try as must as possible not to bring issues that involves faith to the floor of the Senate and, indeed, the chamber. We keep religion completely out of it because what is good for a Christian is also good for a Muslim,” he said.

Mark, however, said the controversial issue might be revisited if there was enough enlightenment, adding that what was good for the country was for everybody and not for a particular religious body or sect.

“I think the bottom line is, when people get more educated, then we can do a re-think and probably, if the Senate agrees, go back and see whether we can get the required number once more, because that is the solution.

“Let me also talk to my own brothers and sisters who are senators, who were probably blackmailed. That is the fact, because it is in the open; that I cannot also hide it and nobody can hide it.

“They were simply blackmailed, and on that day, if they didn’t do what they did, nobody knows the outcome or how the consequences will be today, because the people outside can say this man, you are Muslim and didn’t vote for something that is of Islamic interest. If we don’t hit the nail on the head, we may never get it right,” he said.

Speaking earlier, the chairperson of GECORN, Mrs Mahdi, while calling for the deletion of the section from the constitution, said from the moment of birth, the first gift every Nigerians would receive from the state was citizenship.

“To protect this sacred gift of citizenship, we advocate for the deletion of Section 29(4)(b) of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

“It is the desire of all Nigerians, who treasure our citizenship, to remove this provision that provides that young Nigerian girls, who are not old enough to vote or to obtain a driver licence, are somehow old enough to renounce their citizenship.

“Citizenship is and must remain gender-neutral and safeguarded from any cultural, religious or social interpretations or connotations,” she said.

Mrs Ezekwezelie, who also spoke at the meeting, commended the Senator Ike Ekweremadu-led committee on the review of the constitution for deeming it fit to recommend the removal of the controversial section of the constitution.

She, however, said the Nigerian society was still rudimentary in following legislative procedures, noting that the impression the people had was that the attempt to remove the offensive section was a new bill giving the senators the liberty to marry underage children.

 She promised to educate Nigerians on the issue, adding that the controversy had become advantageous, as women and gender issues would now take the front burners in legislative business.

via Naija Pundit

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Mohammed Married Aisha at 9 Therefore I can Marry a 13 Year Old-Yerima [Video]

Controversial Nigerian Senator and former governor of Zamfara State, Senator Ahmad Yerima, has defended his marraige to a 13 year old Egyptian girl telling Arabic news channel that if Prophet Mohammed (SAW) could marry Aisha at age 9 there was nothing wrong in marrying his wife at age 13.

Watch out the video below..

via Naija Pundit

Ghanian Spritual Specialist Shares Shrine and Dollars Bills

Odi Dollars... that is his name on Facebook, proving himself as a spiritualist  and showcasing his shrine for people that are interested. Its not necessary if you ask me because this dude is so young showcasing shrine on the internet especially social media but in another perspectives his is trying to market his product for whoever is interested in it.

Check out his pictures with dollar bills below..

Hmm.. Shrine....

What do you think about this Nigerian base Ghanian spiritualist showcasing himself on on the internet, has he move too far by doing this or not? comment please..

 via Facebook

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Jay Z and Beyonce Appear At ‘Justice For Trayvon’ Rally

If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything!

Music’s Power Couple Jay Z and Beyonce took a break from their tour schedules on Saturday to join Al Sharpton and other community leaders at a rally in support of Trayvon Martin. They were also there to take a stand and protest the ‘Stand Your Ground’ law in Florida which ultimately allowed Zimmerman to walk free last week.
According to reports, Al Sharpton told the crowd that Jay and Bey were not there to speak or for a photo opp. They were solely there to show their support:
Jay Z and Beyonce said they didn’t want to speak and they didn’t come for a photo op. Beyonce put a beautiful message up on Instagram. Let me tell you, that before a lot of you were down, Jay Z always supported us.
Jay Z told me, ‘I’m a father. Beyonce is a mother.’ We all feel the pain and apprehension — the laws must protect everybody, or it doesn’t protect anybody. We do not come from hate, we come from love of children.
Trayvon Martin had the civil right to go home that day.
On Friday, during his unscheduled speech on the Zimmerman case, President Obama voiced his concerns on the ‘stand your grown” laws by posing the questions:
If we’re sending a message as a society in our communities that someone who is armed potentially has the right to use those firearms even if there’s a way for them to exit from a situation, is that really going to be contributing to the kind of peace and security and order that we’d like to see?
And for those who resist that idea that we should think about something like these “stand your ground” laws, I just ask people to consider if Trayvon Martin was of age and armed, could he have stood his ground on that sidewalk? And do we actually think that he would have been justified in shooting Mr. Zimmerman, who had followed him in a car, because he felt threatened? And if the answer to that question is at least ambiguous, it seems to me that we might want to examine those kinds of laws.
The New York City Rally was just one of 100 rallies held in varies cities across the country today in support of Trayvon Martin.

Rihanna Cries On Stage

Who said bad girls don’t cry ?

#1 hits, sold-out shows, endorsement deals and some of the best fans in the world–Rihanna sure has a lot to be thankful for and she brought her appreciation and gratitude to the stage last Saturday as she performed in Lille, France.

Before, cuing up the last song of the evening, “Diamonds,” she gave her fans at Grand Stade Lille Metropole an endearing moment, when she began crying while telling them how much they were appreciated.
Thank you so much. I can’t believe this sh-t. Y’all make me so happy, this is everything that matters to me.  And to stand here and feel the love in this room throughout this entire tour…It’s coming to the end of the tour and it’s sad. I hate saying ‘Goodbye.’  You guys showed me so much love in this room tonight. I love you guys.


Ciara Dishes On Whether She’d Give Future A Free Pass To Cheat

Fresh off of taking their “Body Party” to a private island, Ciara and her boyfriend Future were spotted looking hot as they arrived at Reign Nightclub in Atlanta this past weekend.   The two are in total bliss right now, like a couple coming off of their honeymoon.

Ciara may be crazy in love but she definitely doesn’t want love to cloud her judgment, nor does she want to share.  During a recent visit to Hot 97′s Morning Show, when asked if she’d give Future a cheater’s pass or allowance (similar to the one Brooklyn Net’s player Andrei Kirilenko gets from his wife), she responded:
First, we’re not even going to put that out in the universe.[...]At this point in my life, I don’t know what I’m going to say or do. [Have you left before for someone cheating?] Yes. Every time. Not instantly, because sometimes you don’t have full clarity and sometimes a person can lie so good that the lie sounds kind of true so you don’t really grasp what the reality is. When you get to the place within yourself like, I’m not dumb, then you have the strength to be like, I’m okay. Then you have the strength to say, ‘I’m out.’ Love can make you be blind.
This topic seems to be very fresh since Denzel Washington’s wife alluded to him cheating in this month’s Ebony.  Also, Andrei Kirilenko’s wife gives him a cheating allowance which allows him to get it in with whomever he wants, once a year. She says,
When I’m aware and I let him do it, it’s not cheating. What’s forbidden is always desirable. And athletes, particularly men, are susceptible to all the things they are offered. It’s the same way raising children – If I tell my child, ‘No pizza, no pizza, no pizza,’ what does he want more than anything? Pizza.
Different strokes for different folks.

Ladies, could you see yourself giving a man a cheater’s allowance?