to 411Vibes, a young Ghanian student, who claimed to be in one of the
well known Federal institution in Ghana, sent in a scandalous vidéo.
source claims that the girl in the vidéo, who happens to be the one of
the `bigger girls on campus clique’ has been known for her promíscuous
ways and séxual relations with loads of people but has never gone to the
extent of fílming her séx-tapé.
source also hinted that though the lecturer didn’t have a problem with
their séxual desire vidéoed, he never would have expected it to leak as
she assured him it was just for their viewing pleasure.
Apparently, the vidéo has been making its rounds on the internet lately.
and releasing séx-tapé is starting to become a new norm in the African
society as young men and women who are hoping for quick fame have now
realised that selling séx is the fastest way to get there.
you think we should accept these new acts as just the signs of changing
times, or do you believe such acts of séxual promíscuity should be
nippéd in the bud.
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